Sex in this City

I went to the opening of Sex and the City and It was so fulfilling. I've actually seen it twice... It's a grand opportunity to celebrate the meaningless frothy parts of life like Shoes, Drinks, Hair and Fashion. The show celebrates the friendships that are the real quality of life. Four women who are truly so different have such unconditional love for each other.

Though the central theme of sex and love plays out quite well, its the bond of the women that truly makes this series a favorite of mine. Its the Golden Girls in NYC instead of Miami replacing the talk of cheesecake with cosmos. We love the story of friendship that outlasts anything. We have seen the Sex girls go through breakups, cancer, babies, miscarriages, good sex, bad sex, and everything in between, but in the end they tend to end up in the coffee shop with each other. Sounds like a good life to me.

Take a moment today to send an email, make a call, or get in touch with someone you haven't talked to in a while, just to say hi. Don't worry about catching up the last 6 months or what you are going to say, just say hi, I was thinking about you. It will make you both feel good! I promise.


I'm worth what?

Recently, my facebook and myspace accounts have been blown up with people trying to "buy" me with virtual money and advertising how much they are worth. "I'm worth $5640, How much are your worth?"

As far as I knew the practice of "buying" another human being has been out of style for quite a while in this country. Secondly, I couldn't help but think... what am I worth?

I have a house, with a mortgage, a car with a loan, a bank account, some clothes, student loans... in financial terms, like most Americans, I have negative value. My credit score is desirable based on the number of credit card offers I get in the mail each day to further grow the value of my negative worth, but is that really what I'm worth?

Is there a value for potential? Is the dollar really the measure of a man or woman? I think not. Yet, we have devised a game online that demarcates our social standing by what people are willing to pay for us. Its bad enough that I may or may not be in your Top 12 or "best Friends" Circle, or even your 5 speed dial buttons, but now you get to put a cash value on me? I think not.

To all those trying to buy me and sell themselves to me (a whole different topic for Dateline NBC), I say try not, buy not. You simply can't afford me. I'm priceless.

What are you worth?

A good reminder...

I've been asked to be the main speaker for UCF Orientation's Keys to College Success presentation. This 90 minute session is fun, funny and informational and as I've been putting it together, the lessons I've been teaching students have been good reminders for myself.

College is a time that can be truly life changing. It changed my life. Not because of the classes, the tests, or even the diploma. It was about the people that I met. My network. No, not the 5 people I can call for free, nor the hundreds of people on facebook or myspace that I can poke or message or cyberstalk at will. Its the true friendships, mentorships, the real relationships that really changed my life.

An advisor who told me to get involved, the friends with whom I took my first roadtrip, the roommate who taugh me of my appreciate for privacy and space, the girlfriend who first broke my heart, the professor who help me change my major, the admistrator who nominated me for an award. All of these people are what my college experience was all about.

This is what life is all about: people. Think about your relationships, friendships, mentorships and even those you're not a fan of. Its these people who shape your experience.

And now as I am in a postion to teach, inspire and mentor others, I take it very seriously, but with a smile and sense of humor.

You have the same role with everyone you meet, so I ask you, what impact can you have on someone today?


"When lost in a familiar world, find something to learn. Suddenly the light will brighten."


Be impeccable with your word

One of the famous four agreements, from the beautiful book about life success is to be impeccable with your word. Our words are certainly one of our most powerful tools as well as our most powerful representative. I was faced with a situation at work today in which some colleagues pretty much twisted my words and painted me as a bully in front of a room full of "important" people. I wasn't present, but luckily I had some allies in the room, including my boss, who quickly stood up for me and dispelled the wrong doing.

I was quick to get frustrated that they would so publicly, yet behind my back share words about me that were not true for their own benefit. Just yesterday they were quite nice and kind to my face about the situation and today a different story.

I don't mind if they didn't agree with me but would have preferred to hear that message face to face. Honesty is so important and I will admit that these colleagues, whom I have made great efforts to be a good parter with now leave a bad taste in my mouth.

They have not only frustrated me professionally, but I don't wish to see them socially. I have lost a level of personal respect. And let it be known, I won't just blog about this. I will most certainly share these sentiments with them face to face, but I figured I would give myself 24 hours of cool down time so I don't misrepresent myself with bad "word choices."

Are you impeccable with your word? How do you let your words both written and spoken represent you?
from The Four Agreements.

Cleaning Buddy

I just found out that my roommate will be moving out. I'm sad because she is a beautiful, inspirational and magical person, but I'm thrilled because she's leaving to pursue her personal legend.

This leaves me with the task of finding a new roommate so I thought I should do a thorough spring cleaning as to not scare away potential tenants. Its not that I live dirty, but messy, unorganized may be a better word. I call it creativity!

So, Spring cleaning it is. Now, with my A.D.D., I find it next to impossible to complete something like cleaning my whole house all at once. It could take me days after I spread it out between distractions like the computer, my piano, TV, my dog, a box of pictures that suddenly needs organizing, cooking, a day trip to Disney. Its always something.

For some reason, when I have a friend over, I find it really easy to multi-task, talk and clean at the same time, and while this may not be the most attentive way to spend time with a friend, its certainly productive. So, I invited Vivian over. I asked if she wanted to be my cleaning buddy, not to clean, but to watch me clean. I know it sounds weird, but it works. After some coaxing with a dinner offer, she agreed. She came over sat in the comfy chair in my cafe' (eat in kitchen), and I went to work. We talked about everything from politics to Britney Spears to spirituality, it was like the wave pool at a water park, from super shallow to super deep.
And, I cleaned like a machine: the kitchen, swept, vacuumed, organized my office, put away the laundry, installed a new lighting fixture, added a dimmer. I was like Martha Stewart, Paige Davis and Bob Villa all at the same time. And all because Vivian was just hangin' out talking to me.

I couldn't help but think, it helps to have a buddy. You see it in so many areas of life. Sometimes its not about help, but just having someone else there. It's recommended that we have a workout partner, a study buddy, a sponsor in sobriety, and most people even have a life partner of some sort at some point. We are social creatures and other people really do matter. This further proves the point I make when I'm on stage. People are the most important thing in this world. If we are working to help other people or improve ourselves, we are doing the most important work there is.

If you are struggling with any area of life, find someone else who's done it or who wants to do it too and buddy up! The results will be amazing! My house looks phenomenal!

The daily buzz... is where you can go to see the full blog and hear the full buzz of my blog!

And lets be fair, I'm almost 30 which makes me slightly technological, but I realize there are 12 year olds who are better at this than I am...

Learning Learning Learning....