meetings meetings

A full day of meeting yesterday to create synergy in our division... very office space. People need a little more motivation than a meeting and someone telling us how excited they are. Especially when trying to create great change in an organization. People need a reason to care...

A strange lady

I was sitting at a light this afternoon on the way home for lunch when a lady with a silver Ford Explorer, similar in color to her hair, drove up on my passenger side and motioned for me to roll down my window. I thought I must have a low tire or some other bad news. Perhaps I'd been dragging a squirril under my carriage, or was leaking water, oil or gas at an alarming rate. Yes, all of these crossed my mind while I reached over and pushed button to lower my window. As the window sank, I could see her clap with joy and smile as she exclaimed, "WHAT A BEAUTIFUL CAR!" She was certainly commenting on the bright yellow color of my Mazda Protege 5. I laughed outloud with her joy and screamed through my car, "Thank you, His name is Sunny" She laughed again with joy, causing me to giggle and she cried, "I always name mine too. This baby is the silver bullet!" She giggled as a combination between Kathy Najimy and Mrs. Clause would. "I bet you have so much fun with Sunny!" "I do, thanks!"

She completley changed my state. I wasn't in a bad mood, but she put me in a fantastic mood! Thank you Mrs. Clause for the gift of gratitude for my sassy yellow car! We do have fun!

too much cheese but none at all

So, I was at a retirement party for a colleague at work on Friday. I was the MC for the event and it was a very lovely classy event, no cheese at the podium at all. Each speaker worked hard to avoid sounding as if the retiree were dead, and truly honored his impact on their lives and the organization we work for. It was quite nice. I even ended the event with a comment that "If success can be measured by a persons impact on humanity, then you sir are a successful human being. I hope these same words can one day be spoken about me."

After the formal presentations, we all mulled around grazing on the buffet of cheeses, baby quiches, lemon bars, brownies and hot cider. As I'm working very hard on my health and fitness, I stayed away for the most part.... well, I had a piece of cheese. And as soon as I realized they also served provolone, I was compelled to have another, and another, and another. Soon, I'd eaten enough cheese to actually be full. Thats alot of cheese. It was an absolute cheese binge. This is something much more likely of me on stage vs. at a tray of dairy, but se la vie!

I went to the gym imediatley after work.


I've decided to give the whole WWW movement my attention. I've been publishing a newsletter, getting ready to launch a podcast and now this. A place to hold my intimate thoughts that everyone can see. This is the good behind the scenes stuff. I've never been too good at keeping up with this type of thing, but perhaps, I'll give it a go. I like typing better than writing in my journal anway!

Blog update

Apparently you can update your blog from anywhere as long as you have email! Sweet! I love technology.

So, there it is... the logo/banner for my website. Pretty dapper eh? the suit is a little tight in the mid section, but thats over! I'm so over that, I forgot what I was talking about. Nice tie though, but it looks like it has a stain..... nope. Just a lighting issue. :)