I just found out that my roommate will be moving out. I'm sad because she is a beautiful, inspirational and magical person, but I'm thrilled because she's leaving to pursue her personal legend.
This leaves me with the task of finding a new roommate so I thought I should do a thorough spring cleaning as to not scare away potential tenants. Its not that I live dirty, but messy, unorganized may be a better word. I call it creativity!
So, Spring cleaning it is. Now, with my A.D.D., I find it next to impossible to complete something like cleaning my whole house all at once. It could take me days after I spread it out between distractions like the computer, my piano, TV, my dog, a box of pictures that suddenly needs organizing, cooking, a day trip to Disney. Its always something.
For some reason, when I have a friend over, I find it really easy to multi-task, talk and clean at the same time, and while this may not be the most attentive way to spend time with a friend, its certainly productive. So, I invited Vivian over. I asked if she wanted to be my cleaning buddy, not to clean, but to watch me clean. I know it sounds weird, but it works. After some coaxing with a dinner offer, she agreed. She came over sat in the comfy chair in my cafe' (eat in kitchen), and I went to work. We talked about everything from politics to Britney Spears to spirituality, it was like the wave pool at a water park, from super shallow to super deep.
And, I cleaned like a machine: the kitchen, swept, vacuumed, organized my office, put away the laundry, installed a new lighting fixture, added a dimmer. I was like Martha Stewart, Paige Davis and Bob Villa all at the same time. And all because Vivian was just hangin' out talking to me.
I couldn't help but think, it helps to have a buddy. You see it in so many areas of life. Sometimes its not about help, but just having someone else there. It's recommended that we have a workout partner, a study buddy, a sponsor in sobriety, and most people even have a life partner of some sort at some point. We are social creatures and other people really do matter. This further proves the point I make when I'm on stage. People are the most important thing in this world. If we are working to help other people or improve ourselves, we are doing the most important work there is.
If you are struggling with any area of life, find someone else who's done it or who wants to do it too and buddy up! The results will be amazing! My house looks phenomenal!