I will be inserting my video blog from time to time... this is the initial pilot episode! More to come!
This has nothing to do with the Holiday's, but Happy Holidays too!
What is age?
on 10.12.08
Comments: (1)
So what is age? I'm a mere 19 days from turning 30 and I couldn't be happier. The funny part is that everyone around me keeps consoling me with, "Don't worry, the 30's are great!" as if that is some consolation prize for leaving my 20's.
Frankly, I'm thrilled to leave the 20's behind. They were a mess and an adventure and a blast, but I'm never one to look back. I don't long for the days of high school or college, or any other time. I prefer to look ahead and imagine the outstanding future that is to come.
It made me wonder why people are so concerned about turning 30? Is it regret for lost dreams? People! We are only 30! Look at Paula Deen, she didn't make it big until her 60's! Relax already. Is it that we didn't turn out as we had hoped? Well, that implies that we have now grown up and we are done! I'm a work in progress and happy to be such! I will be growing every day of my life, changing and learning and I'm cool with it!
I never had a 100% clear picture of what 30 would look like, but I feel incredibly blessed and surprised to be at this place in my life. Everything is perfect! Not because I have everything I every wanted, but because my life is what it is and for that I am grateful! A little too far in the clouds for you? Ok. Lets just say, "Life is beautiful."
So, if you see me between now and my 30th birthday, don't console me, congratulate me! I've made it to 30 in one piece! That is a feat and now life keeps getting better and better and better.
Frankly, I'm thrilled to leave the 20's behind. They were a mess and an adventure and a blast, but I'm never one to look back. I don't long for the days of high school or college, or any other time. I prefer to look ahead and imagine the outstanding future that is to come.
It made me wonder why people are so concerned about turning 30? Is it regret for lost dreams? People! We are only 30! Look at Paula Deen, she didn't make it big until her 60's! Relax already. Is it that we didn't turn out as we had hoped? Well, that implies that we have now grown up and we are done! I'm a work in progress and happy to be such! I will be growing every day of my life, changing and learning and I'm cool with it!
I never had a 100% clear picture of what 30 would look like, but I feel incredibly blessed and surprised to be at this place in my life. Everything is perfect! Not because I have everything I every wanted, but because my life is what it is and for that I am grateful! A little too far in the clouds for you? Ok. Lets just say, "Life is beautiful."
So, if you see me between now and my 30th birthday, don't console me, congratulate me! I've made it to 30 in one piece! That is a feat and now life keeps getting better and better and better.