I was sitting here looking at the very gray sky and feeling the chill in the air and to be fair its only 65 degrees. I realize this is not a tundra, but I do realize that being a Florida man has spoiled me. This eather puts me in a foul mood, just kinda dim. That is until I realized that I was letting the weather affect my mood and I, being a stubborn man refuse to let it happen. I actually have a choice in my mood. However, there is no magic pill that will just change my mood... well there probably is, but that path no longer suits me.
5 Ways to Change your mood instantly!
1. Move your body! Research shows us that our emotions are tied in heavily with our physicality. If you are slumped over, breathing shallow and looking down for much of the time, chances are you will feel, well, down.
2. Change your scene. If you are down and want to be up. Get yourself in an environment full of life and energy. My office tends to be quiet and gray at times so I step out and walk on campus where there is often so much energy that it changes my state.
3. Watch this video (it works every time for me):
4. Music Rocks! Some music that makes you want to move a little will change your mood almost instantly. And you can't help it cause you know you start dancing when she says, "If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it. Oh oh oh!" Pick a song that works for you.
5. Water and Oxygen! The two things we need most other than food will actually change your state by giving you the energy and alertness that comes along with being hydrated and oxidated. More is better in this case!
Remember of course that these are suggestions to help you change your state if you are in a bad mood and want to get in a good one. Sometimes we are in a bad mood and just wanna stay there. Thats fine too... just keep it to yourself, don't be spreading that disease! :)
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